Treated Turquoise Cabochons
Turquoise Cabochons that have treatment                                                      

Estimates are that approximately 85% to 90% of the world’s turquoise has a treatment:

Block turquoise is fake turquoise. It contains no turquoise.

turquoise that is cut and sold in cubic blocks.

Block Turquoise

Dyed turquoise is a process of adding pigment to deepen a stone’s color.

Reconstituted turquoise is turquoise powder which mixes with resins 

Stabilized turquoise is a low grade, chalky, or unstable turquoise and has a plastic bonding agent.

This is what stabilization looks like       

Waxed turquoise is when turquoise is soaked or heat treated to improve the color.

Natural turquoise is turquoise as you pick it off the ground with no added epoxy, color enhancements, etc.

Natural Kingman Turquoise
Natural Kingman Turquoise                                                                                      
Morenci Turquoise Cabochons
Natural Morenci Turquoise Cabochons

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